
Minggu, 17 Maret 2013


1) Those who plan on e.arning mainly from the r.evenue share aspect of the program and are not that
interested in the other ways of e.arning.

2) Those who want to e.arn from the r.evenue share but you have also built a downline from which you would
like to e.arn from as well.

3) Those who have bigger teams and simply want to max out this comp plan as much as possible.


People who fall into this category will have to appreciate that if they do not structure their approach to JubiRev
in a particular way, they will be limited to e.arning ONLY from the Daily R.evenue Share aspect of this program.

This is not a bad thing as SIGNIFICANT m0ney can be made by anyone from just the r.evenue share aspect,
given that enough of an initial spend is made on product p.urchases and you continue to build your JubiPoints over

People who fall into this category have only THREE things to consider:

+++ Their initial product p.urchase amount
+++ Their initial monthly subscription amount
+++ JubiSuite considerations/ qualifications

Initial product p.urchase amount

The more m0ney you spend on inventory, is the more JUBIbUCKS ( JB's ) you can convert to JubiPoints ( JP's )
and ultimately the more daily r.evenue you will receive.

Because you are not going to have a downline, then there is no sponsorship overrides and unless your sponsor
places additional members under you in the Unlilevel, this will be your only real source of i.ncome from the

You are therefore in control of your own e.arnings....The more product you p.urchase and the longer you carry out
re-p.urchases, is the more r.evenue you ultimately generate over time and vice versa.

Initial Monthly Subscription Amount

This is another area that you can single handedly improve your e.arning potential.

Quite simply, the higher the the monthly subscription, the longer your JP's e.arn their daily r.evenue share and as
such, the more m0ney you make.

This is significant and is the reason why you have been URGED over and over to take the HIGHEST MONTHLY
SUBSCRIPTION that your resources will allow.

This is not because I want you to spend m0ney, but because I know that this alone will have a significant impact
on your e.arning potential...even if you never enrolled a single person into the program.

Not only that, but you can always switch to a lower package after the first month ( if needed ) but all of your JP's
accumulated during this time will e.arn for the longest period possible.

Many of you would realize that with the right strategy in place ( that you will be shown how to do ) you can
actually cover your monthly subscription from p.rofits after a while so it no longer becomes a monthly
e.xpense/burden to have to cover out of pocket.

PLEASE...for those meaning just to e.arn from the r.evenue share aspect of the program and not really build a downline,
try to come in with the biggest subscription possible.

JubiSuite Considerations/Qualifications

Your sponsor ( in this case me ) has the ability to move my downline anywhere I want to using the JubiSuite placement

This tool will be used to basically pack DESERVING AND QUALIFIED members under each other in a way that everyone
derives benefit.

I say DESERVING because all of you know that I have a competition out that will literally see the people who enrolled the
most members as well as the people who have decided to begin with the biggest product p.urchase derive benefit by me
placing other members/legs under them.......This will be done after the founders period is over, when I can assess exactly
what is going on.

I also say QUALIFIED because it is important for you to understand that UNLESS you are at least at the EMERALD LEVEL
( where you e.arn down 2 levels in the unilevel ) or the DIAMOND LEVEL ( where you e.arn down 3 levels in the unilevel )
then IT MAKES NO SENSE PLACING ANYONE UNDER YOU as you will not be qualified to e.arn even if I did place someone
under you.

So this is another area where members who are going to rely basically on the r.evenue share part of the program can
open up a new stream of i.ncome for themselves.

Even if you do not have a downline of your own but are QUALIFIED to e.arn from the unilevel, I will place members
under you in the unilevel which will INSTANTLY create a new stream of i.ncome from this program.

This can be quite significant and well worth making the extra sacrifice ( if it is a sacrifice ) to join with either the $100/ month
Emerald subscription or the $200/month Diamond subscription.

If not then I can only place my downline in a manner that would benefit both myself and that person and you will not benefit
from me placing anyone under you if you are not at least at the Emerald level.

Should you join at a lower subscription but upgrade later on ( when f.unds allow) then you will be qualified to e.arn and will be
given placements at that time ( once available ).

Please get this very clear.


For those who have a downline/ are planning on having a downline, this opens up a whole different
set of o.pportunities for you in JubiRev and also requires that you appreciate some additional

Those who fall into this category need to consider the following

+++ Sponsorship Bonuses / Overrides
+++ Bigger product p.urchases and membership levels
+++ Unilevel commissions

Sponsorship Bonuses / Overrides

Now you will not only e.arn on your own product p.urchases ( daily r.evenue share ) but also you will
e.arn a percentage of every product p.urchase and rep.urchase made by your personal referrals, as
well as their personal referrals AND even your referrals referrals....This can/will be huge.

In fact, I have numerous downline members with less than 5 personal referrals yet their entire
organization is in the hundreds. When I look at their geneology, these members have some serious
sponsorship overrides coming their way, which definitely opens up a new stream of i.ncome for them.

Apart from this, there are at least two other bonuses/commissions that these members will receive
just because they built a referral network, one of which would be that they will e.arn a certain percentage
of all the monthly subscriptions of all of their personally referred as well as their referral's referrals
down a certain number of levels depending on their qualification level.

ALL of these bonuses become a lot more with the higher membership levels and it is my personal view
that EVERYONE with any sort of downline should come in at the DIAMOND MEMBERSHIP as it just makes
more f.inancial sense for these members to do so.....The e.arn more overall.

The first category above we can always argue that they want to be a bit more cautious as they can't e.arn
by any other means, but with those in this category, the e.arning potential is huge, so there should be no
excuse for anyone coming in under the diamond level in my view.

Bigger product p.urchases and membership levels

For the exact same reasons as stated above ( you are likely to e.arn more m0ney from your downline
members ) you should seriously consider coming in with a bigger product p.urchase so that overall, you
can build your business a lot quicker.

If you have the higher membership level thereby e.arning you as much sponsorship overrides as you
possibly can, and you have a bigger product package e.arning you a bigger daily r.evenue share, then
overall you will be able to build your JubiRev business a lot quicker and get to the level where you are
e.arning a comfortable daily i.ncome while "putting enough back" to maintain these e.arnings a lot quicker.

Unilevel Commissions

With a downline, not only will you e.arn sponsorship overrides but you will also e.arn 0.5% down 8 levels
of the unilevel ONCE you are qualified for these levels.

This is a HUGE part of the comp plan because not only can you e.arn from your personally referred and their
ENTIRE team ( as long as they fall within the levels for which you qualify to e.arn ) BUT you can also e.arn
on anyone PLACED UNDER YOU by your enroller ( or even his enroller ).

Imagine having someone with a downline of 300 or so placed under you in such a way that all of these
every single one of these people e.arn you an easy 0.5% daily as they make their p.urchase and re-
p.urchases daily.....You didn't enroll NOT ONE of these people yet you e.arn on every single one of them daily.

Do you think that will be a HUGE boost to your e.arnings?

Of course it will but answer this next question as well....Do you think your enroller ( or his enroller ) is likely
to place a leg under someone who is readily building his downline/ has shown his/her seriousness by
purchasing a good amount of product/ has the diamond membership OR will this leg be placed under someone
who comes in with $100/ has no downline/ starts with the minimum $15 jade membership ?

Your initial success in this program depends on what you do up until 22nd March and then your future will
develop based on this initial foundation.....IT'S YOUR CHOICE !!!!

NOTE: How many levels you are qualified to e.arn on in the unilevel will depend on your RANK and this is what
will be discussed in the section below.


I am going to be very blunt here so please forgive me.

Those of you who have made a good start to this program so far by way of building a downline/team have
ABSOLUTELY NO REASON not to come in with at least $2500 and the DIAMOND membership.

You guys have everything going for you are you have the POTENTIAL to max out this comp plan.

Whether you do max out the comp plan or not will be determined by:

+++ How well you understand the comp plan and rank advancement
+++ How much help you get from your enroller by way of JubiSuite placements
+++ How well you yourself use the JubiSuite to achieve the necessary Rank Advancement needed.

How well you understand the comp plan and rank advancement

This is something that I am not sure many of you have really taken the time to understand but I URGE all
team builders out there and members with any amount of downline to ensure that they understand the

In particular, what is needed to move from DIAMOND to 1 STAR DIAMOND to 2 STAR DIAMOND to PRESIDENTIAL

This is extremely important as basically it determines how many levels you can e.arn from in the unilevel.

There are three unilevels in the comp plan and if you go through the PDF COMPENSATION DOCUMENT you
will see that these unilevels have various ranks and your e.arnings are dependent on achieving these different

If we speak in particular about the one that deals with the daily overrides then you will notice the following:

DIAMOND You e.arn on 3 levels in the unilevel
1STAR DIAMOND You e.arn on 4 levels in the unilevel
2STAR DIAMOND You e.arn on 6 levels in the unilevel 
PRESIDENTIAL DIAMOND You e.arn on 8 levels in the unilevel ( MAXIMUM)

Now to see the various RANK ADVANCEMENT QUALIFICATIONS you can either access the comp plan
PDF document in your back office or CLICK HERE ( I have included the requirements for the Jubi Style
Car Bonus as well )

From this you can clearly see that you need to hit certain Group Qualifying Volume (GQV) and you attain this from
the total monthly subscriptions found IN YOUR ENTIRE ORGANIZATION .

So regardless of if this comes from your downline or their downline or from someone placed under you or from
the downline of someone placed under you for which you qualify to e.arn from.....All of this counts towards your
GQV and some serious consideration needs to be given as to how to systematically move yourself up the

This would of course depend on you taking the diamond membership and helping as many of your downline to
do the same ( or the highest membership that they can take ) as well as ensuring that your BUILD AT LEAST
3 LEGS very well.

This would require using the JubiSuite to place members under each other which gets you where you want to be
but at the same time helps your entire downline.

This is why it makes no sense BUILDING WIDE but rather you need to BUILD DEEP and BUILD SMART.
klik here to join
Judul: Jubirev THERE ARE 3 KEY FEATURES TO CONSIDER HERE; Ditulis oleh Unknown; Rating Blog: 5 dari 5

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