Each Ad Position cost just $10.00 and Expires when you earn $15.00 per Ad Position!
- If you owns , 2 Ad Positions you will get paid twice per Ad Position sold!.
- If you owns , 10 Ad Positions you will get paid 10 Times!.
- If you owns , 20 Ad Positions you will get paid 20 times!.
- If you owns , 50 Ad Positions you will get paid 50 times!.
- The more Ad positions you own, the more money you will earn. There is NO LIMIT to how many Ad positions you may own.
- But to ensure that profits are evenly shared, we only allow 10 ad positions purchases per transaction. You can make multiple purchases daily.
- PureRevShare takes the pressure off of members to refer new members, especially those that aren't keen on promoting. Members earn from all Ad positions purchased.
- You may withdraw when your balance reaches $10.00 USD which will be processed within 3 days of request. Earn 150% per each share you purchase!
- Truly passive income - No Sponsoring required to Earn
- You are 100% guaranteed to Earn!
- Everyone gets paid alike. Everyone is a WINNER!
- Earn 150% per each share you purchase!!
- Receive Quality Advertising for Each Purchased.
- You get 10,000 ad credits for each Ad positioned owned!
- Compound Your earnings with our 20% re-purchase policy.
- 2 Levels Referral Commissions (10% on Level 1, 5% on Level 2).!
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